About Suzanne Cohen Share

Suzanne Cohen Share holds a master’s degree in Health Policy and Critical Disabilities, including disability law. Suzanne is a well-known cross-disability accessibility expert and consultant, a popular lecturer, trainer, researcher and author. She is the author emeritus of Accessibility Standards PolicyPro published by First Reference Inc. Suzanne is the proprietor of Access (SCS) Consulting Services.
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We are not SHOUTING or SCREAMING! Font sizes and accessibility

Recently I sent an email in a medium-large font to someone who thought I was shouting. The reply I received was disturbing. The person was offended and read the information as if I was angry…

Suzanne Cohen Share

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar April 23, 2012
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Service animals and people with disabilities – AODA best practices

In Ontario there is a regulation called the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service. One of the requirements of this regulation is that persons with disabilities are allowed to enter your organization’s public premises with a service animal. A person should be able to remain with the animal unless otherwise excluded by law. If the animal is…

Suzanne Cohen Share

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar June 22, 2011
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AODA: Inappropriate words can bite – the customer service standard

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service Regulation obligates Ontario businesses and their employees to communicate with persons with disabilities in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability. Employers must train employees to interact and communicate with people that have various types of disabilities…

Suzanne Cohen Share

Time to read 6 minutes read
Calendar May 25, 2011
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AODA accessibility standards for customer service – Training decisions

Ontario’s Accessibility Standards for Customer Service requires organizations to train staff, volunteers and third parties who deal with the public on your behalf on how to provide customer service to people with disabilities. What are the legal requirements for training?

Suzanne Cohen Share

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar January 26, 2011